Saturday, December 13, 2008

Plan Ahead For Those Holiday Events - Avoid The Temptations

I know that the holidays usually mean lots of parties and family get togethers. The time is festive and fun and we would like to totally escape from reality; forget about any limitations or restrictions and eat all those delicious foods that are available to us.

But we know that we really do not want to put on an extra five pounds that we will be worried about and have to work at losing. I mean, in reality, when we make our New Year's resolutions, at least one of them will likely relate to our weight goals.

So I am suggesting that you devise a plan right now for those temptations that you will have endure. Plan to eat before attending the events so you do not feel hungry and have few healthy choices in front of you.

Promise yourself that you will only eat a small amount of the high calorie foods. Try to stick with vegetables and other healthy choices. But allow some flexibility with what you eat. After all, you want to enjoy yourself. Just don't do anything that will create so much guilt that you feel it wasn't worth it.

Finally, keep in mind that the holidays will soon be behind us - whether that is on the calendar or on our hips is our choice! :)

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