Monday, December 22, 2008

Taking Care Of Yourself In Order To Lose Weight

If you have been trying to lose weight without success there may be a simple solution. One of the reasons people do not get the results they want is because they focus on the weight instead of the cause of the weight.

Let me explain - excess pounds do not happen by overeating one time. In fact, many people that are overweight do not overeat. The solution needs to revolve around the cause of the problem.

In many cases the problems are related to medical issues. The first step to losing weight should be a visit to your doctor. Find out what is going on with you. Your doctor can help in suggesting a healthy diet and an appropriate activity level for you.

Stress often plays a role in eating patterns. Most of us even have foods that we consider to be 'comfort' foods. Explore any emotional connections you might have with food. Do you eat when you are sad, or do you eat more when you are happy? Are there any particular foods that cause you to feel guilty after you eat them?

Lack of sleep can also have an impact on our weight. One way sleep influences our weight is the way we feel the next day. If we are tired we are likely to fee fatigued and worn out. That results in little motivation to exercise. It can even mean that we will choose the easier route when it comes to eating - that is often the drive-through lane at a fast food restaurant or whatever is quick to grab. Most fast choices are high in calories.

The best way to lose weight is by taking care of yourself in every way. Eat a healthy diet - eat several small meals a day. Get some exercise. I know this sounds simple and it really is - a holistic approach will result in a healthier and slimmer you - and no doubt you will feel a little happier because of the results!

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