Monday, December 29, 2008

Start The New Year Out Right!

I was just wondering exactly what my New Year's resolution should be when some of the obvious things came to mind - get more organized, work smarter instead of harder, and eat healthier.

I am not totally disorganized but I want to re-organize my work schedule and enhance my time management. You see, I have been spending way too much time on work and not enough on pleasure! So of course the work smarter will work hand in hand with being more organized. In fact, I plan to outsource anything that I can during 2009 and beyond.

The last resolution is related to health and fitness - which all is part of weight management. I know enough about health and eating properly to know that a good diet is one that is healthy and low in fat content.

I eat a vegan diet as it is but believe me - there are plenty of foods that I love that are not healthy! My weaknesses are chips and pastas.

I am going to put more effort into planning meals ahead of time and try to keep from buying chips - because if they are here I will eat them - the saltier the more I like them. And it seems that I can tell a difference in the water I retain as well as a pound or two increase in no time at all after indulging in that passion!

Okay - I shared with you - now it's your turn....what changes are you planning for the new year?

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