Friday, January 16, 2009

Exercise To Lose Inches Without Working Out

The desire to lose weight is very common; most of us have at least some phases of our life in which we need to shed a few pounds. It seems that many weight management programs focus not only on changing the way a person eats but also on the addition of a regular workout.

The problem with this is that many people are not physically able to do most exercise routines that are recommended or they simply do not have the time available to add spending time at the gym a few days a week.

Gyms are often expensive and that alone can be a deterrent to anyone. Also there is the time factor involved. Not only do you need to spend the hour or so at the gym but you need to include the time required to travel to and from the gym as a part of that routine. This can add up to a lot of time!

My personal problem with gyms is the fact that the equipment there is shared and people that are working out are most likely sweating. Maybe I have some sort of phobia about that but I believe gyms are bacterial havens. I prefer to stay out of them.

So now you may be wondering what the typical person do to add physical activity into his or her life without exercising. After all, losing fat means losing inches and a quick way to lose fat is through exercise.

Consider adding simple ways to force yourself to be more active. To be most effective with this you will need to dissect your normal routines. Keep an activity journal for at least a few days that list everything you do during a 24 hour period.

Then come up with ways to make each action a little more physically demanding. For example, oftentimes I will open the back door to my home to let my dogs run free in the backyard. The purpose of this is for them to get some activity into their lives and so they will relieve themselves outdoors. If one time per day I actually put their leashes on and take them for a walk I will be adding that activity to my life while doing the basic thing that I was doing before.

Since I brought up walking I might as well mention that walking briskly rather than slowly is another simple way to increase your activity level. Another idea is that when you shop or go anywhere at all instead of driving around the parking lot looking for a spot close to the door simply park at the back or end of the parking area. This will force you to walk that distance and in most cases it really is not a long distance even from the farthest available spot to the door.

Another suggestion is giving up your remotes. This one is hard to do but even the few times that you get up to change a channel or turn on an electronic appliance you will be adding to your total activity for the day.

Review your activity journal and come up with creative ideas that are specific to you and that will meet your needs. This will help you to establish a healthier way of living that can not only help you to lose the fat but it will lead to a healthier you!

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