Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Getting Rid Of Unhealthy Fat Without Diets Or Exercise
Most of us have an ideal weight and size that we dream about being. Few of us are there. Everyone has an area or problem spot that they would like change. For me it has always been my abdomen. I have always worried about loose flab on my abdomen. My problem is sticking with a diet or exercise program: I have searched for a way to get rid of my unhealthy fat without diets or exercise and I think I have found it!
You have got to check this system out for yourself. It is based on eating the right foods at the right intervals. Now when I say the right foods I do not mean that you will need to purchase a supply of food from a particular diet program or anything close to that. What I mean is that you will learn what foods are high in nutritional value and those are the ones that you will eat.
I mentioned eating at the right intervals. Let me explain briefly what that is about. This is based on how your body uses the calories that it has. Really it is all about your metabolism. Your metabolism will adjust according to what is normal for your body and what you normally consume.
So if you begin a diet and restrict yourself to only a few calories you will in fact lose weight. The problem is that in order to continue losing weight you will need to continue decreasing the caloric intake because your metabolism will soon adjust to whatever calorie level you give it. That is why people say they plateau out after being on a diet for awhile. You see, diets do not work.
As far as exercise goes, this is not going to help you lose weight; however, exercise will help you tone up as you do lose the weight. So it is very wise to exercise as you lose weight but I would advise that you incorporate physical activity into your daily lifestyle rather than trying to actually workout. Most people begin working out and do fine for a few days but then the routine is soon forgotten.
If instead you do things like use the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the back of the parking lots routinely, and take your dog out for a nice walk daily you will find that you are healthier and more active without the burden of a scheduled workout.
Be sure to sign up to receive my free report on metabolism - you can find the form in the sidebar. And if you are looking for a healthy approach to weight loss then check out the programs offered here. I do my best to only promote high quality products. Please let me know what you think about any of them. Thanks and good luck with your efforts - slow and steady is the key to successful weight management!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Start The New Year Out Right!
I am not totally disorganized but I want to re-organize my work schedule and enhance my time management. You see, I have been spending way too much time on work and not enough on pleasure! So of course the work smarter will work hand in hand with being more organized. In fact, I plan to outsource anything that I can during 2009 and beyond.
The last resolution is related to health and fitness - which all is part of weight management. I know enough about health and eating properly to know that a good diet is one that is healthy and low in fat content.
I eat a vegan diet as it is but believe me - there are plenty of foods that I love that are not healthy! My weaknesses are chips and pastas.
I am going to put more effort into planning meals ahead of time and try to keep from buying chips - because if they are here I will eat them - the saltier the more I like them. And it seems that I can tell a difference in the water I retain as well as a pound or two increase in no time at all after indulging in that passion!
Okay - I shared with you - now it's your turn....what changes are you planning for the new year?
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Easy Exercise & Surprising Bonuses
Begin with the simplest of things. Put your remotes away. I know, that can be difficult but come on, how hard is it to walk across the room to change the channel on the TV? Those few steps can add up to a lot over time and it may be the only exercise you get during the evening if you happen to watch a lot of TV.
Take a look at your kids or your pets. Wouldn't they love it if you spent some time outdoors with them? You could play games or even go for a walk. This creates a period of quality time for you and them while adding exercise to your life.
Consider your home and yard. Did you know that chores around the home can add lots of physical activity to your lifestyle? Additionally, you will have a tidy home environment to appreciate.
Well, that is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak - but the point is that you do not have to be a member at the local gym or even dedicate a specific time period each day to working out. If you want to get in shape one of the best things to do is find easy ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily routines. As you become more and more active you will find that you can add more activity. In fact, it is likely that you will decide you want to add a regular exercise regimen to your life - but start out slowly and work your way into it.
You will feel better and look great!
Monday, December 22, 2008
How To Avoid Diet Programs That Do Not Work
Losing weight is a common goal and also a difficult task. People always want to look their best. From one nation to another, regardless of race, gender, or even age, looking good is a worthy goal. Sometimes we seem to take the attempts to extreme measures though. Examples of that are the many fad diets and diet pills that are commonly used to assist us with weight management. The problem is that most diet programs do not work and for our own health and safety we need to avoid those programs.
The truth is that many diet programs ask the impossible from us. In order to maintain our health we need to eat regularly. And although exercise is a great way to enhance our weight loss efforts too much too soon is not a healthy choice.
Before we even consider a diet of any sort we need to get ourselves mentally prepared for the challenge. And make no mistake about it, dieting is a challenging endeavor.
We need to come to terms with the fact that we will be making changes to our eating habits. We also need to assess just how many and what type of changes we are willing to endure.
You see, most diets fail because the individual did not carefully choose a weight loss technique that will work for him or her. Unfortunately diets are not one size fits all. Each of us must find a system that fits our lifestyle and individual needs.
Some of us can easily fit in going to the gym a few times a week, but others simply do not have the time or perhaps cannot afford the membership fees. So if a diet plan calls for working out at the gym regularly consider whether you can fit that into your life before you begin the diet plan.
Other programs require that the participants eat particular foods, which are usually made by the program itself. Although many people have great success with such programs the fact is that many of us cannot afford the special food items. A better choice for those individuals is learning more about making healthy choices while shopping at our local grocery store.
The real point is that most diet plans can work with the right person. But in general, many diet plans will only work for a very small minority of the general public. That is what results in the statement that diets do not work. It is also what makes most of us feel like failures.
The real key to finding a diet plan that works is careful evaluation before you start it. Find one that fits in with your particular desires. For example, most of us are not willing to stick with a restrictive eating pattern for very long. Unfortunately that is the foundation of many diet plans.
So finding a program that allows you to eat regularly is important. Consider whether a program that provides support is what you need. Some of us thrive on interacting with others that are experiencing the same things as we are.
Before starting anything consider making an actual list of what you want from the diet program. Then go in search of one that provides the things you want. A quality program should lend itself to customization for each individual. After you find a suitable program take the time to visit your doctor and get a professional opinion about the benefits of such a plan. That is how to avoid the programs that do not work!
Taking Care Of Yourself In Order To Lose Weight
Let me explain - excess pounds do not happen by overeating one time. In fact, many people that are overweight do not overeat. The solution needs to revolve around the cause of the problem.
In many cases the problems are related to medical issues. The first step to losing weight should be a visit to your doctor. Find out what is going on with you. Your doctor can help in suggesting a healthy diet and an appropriate activity level for you.
Stress often plays a role in eating patterns. Most of us even have foods that we consider to be 'comfort' foods. Explore any emotional connections you might have with food. Do you eat when you are sad, or do you eat more when you are happy? Are there any particular foods that cause you to feel guilty after you eat them?
Lack of sleep can also have an impact on our weight. One way sleep influences our weight is the way we feel the next day. If we are tired we are likely to fee fatigued and worn out. That results in little motivation to exercise. It can even mean that we will choose the easier route when it comes to eating - that is often the drive-through lane at a fast food restaurant or whatever is quick to grab. Most fast choices are high in calories.
The best way to lose weight is by taking care of yourself in every way. Eat a healthy diet - eat several small meals a day. Get some exercise. I know this sounds simple and it really is - a holistic approach will result in a healthier and slimmer you - and no doubt you will feel a little happier because of the results!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A Holistic Approach & Feng Shui
If you live in a chaotic filled environment chances are there is a lot of negative energy flowing your way. If you think of this as hokus - pokus then perhaps the concepts of Feng Shui do not interest you. However, it has been proven time and again the environment that you live in effects how you feel emotionally and mentally. That of course can impact on how you feel physically.
Back to losing weight and maintaining your desired weight with a holistic approach....if you want to lose weight you need to work with all systems that can impact it. This of course means that you will need to assess your life in general.
You should determine what has led to your weight gain and work at eliminating the root causes. Ideally you should start with a visit to your doctor. It is very possible there is a physical/medical issue contributing to your weight issues.
Then you will need to address other areas of your life. Consider your emotional and mental state. Many people deal with stress by eating. If you consider your daily life to be stressful then you should explore the causes of the stress. Next you will want to limit or eliminate those stressful factors.
Many diet programs seem to add to the stress level because they cannot smoothly be incorporated into an existing lifestyle. Take all of these things into consideration when you are choosing a weight management program.
You are likely to find that the simpler plans work the best. Although this post is not an ad for my own weight management toolkit I will say that I took all of those things into consideration when I created it. The toolkit is only $11 and it is money well spent.
Whatever course of action you take when working to lose weight do be sure to keep in mind that your weight issue is impacted by everything else in your life. Explore what is having a positive impact as well as what is having a negative impact. Then all you need to do is balance things out.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Eating Right Can Result In Losing Weight And Being Healthier
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Plan Ahead For Those Holiday Events - Avoid The Temptations
But we know that we really do not want to put on an extra five pounds that we will be worried about and have to work at losing. I mean, in reality, when we make our New Year's resolutions, at least one of them will likely relate to our weight goals.
So I am suggesting that you devise a plan right now for those temptations that you will have endure. Plan to eat before attending the events so you do not feel hungry and have few healthy choices in front of you.
Promise yourself that you will only eat a small amount of the high calorie foods. Try to stick with vegetables and other healthy choices. But allow some flexibility with what you eat. After all, you want to enjoy yourself. Just don't do anything that will create so much guilt that you feel it wasn't worth it.
Finally, keep in mind that the holidays will soon be behind us - whether that is on the calendar or on our hips is our choice! :)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Can Losing Weight Ever Be Easy?
As we strive to look our best we often set losing weight as a priority. But try as we may, we fail with our attempts. Or do we? The real truth is that it is the diet plans that fail, not us. So our quest continues as we search for a weight loss method that is workable.
On a daily basis millions of people around the world are seeking a diet plan that will work for them. Unfortunately most people simply see an ad that catches their eye and they pull out their credit card. The ad sounds wonderful. But think about this, if the ads do not make the product sound great then the company will not make any sales. Although the ad claims quick and easy weight loss, can losing weight ever be easy?
With over ninety percent of the programs, plans, and fad diets weight loss will not be an easy transition. Instead you are likely to experience discomfort from feeling hungry along with other unpleasant feelings. These can include fatigue, headaches, stomach cramps, irritability, and other issues.
This is why most people fail when they attempt to lose weight. They begin a program that is too restrictive and limiting which of course results in an unpleasant experience. As the program continues less and less relief is found. Eventually, which usually does not take long, the individual gives up.
This results in the a feeling of failure. In most cases any weight that was lost soon returns. The dieter is back at stage one. After feeling as though he or she has failed another attempt at weight loss may be even more difficult.
The good news is that there are ways to lose weight which are easy to stick to and they do work. The secret is finding a plan that will work for you. Before jumping on board with any weight management program you should carefully examine what will be required from you.
Fad diets do work but in almost every case they are not healthy. This means that you will probably only be able to stick with such a plan for a few days. The same is true of diet pills. Either of these choices can provide a nice boost for your weight loss efforts but it is important that you also incorporate a healthier weight plan. Then when you give up the unhealthy plan your weight loss will continue and you will not have to deal with unpleasant stress of regaining the weight you lost.
The best diet plans are the ones that allow you to eat regular foods and to eat often. In fact, eating a minimum of three meals per day during a weight loss strategy is highly recommended. Most quality plans suggest five to seven meals per day.
The reason is that eating the right foods in the right portion sizes at frequent intervals will result in keeping your metabolism active. Your metabolism rate is the true key to weight management.
Once you learn how to work with or even manipulate your metabolism rate through such things as calorie shifting you will find that weight loss is easy. You will be healthier and slimmer. Plus, this information is knowledge that you can use for the rest of your life!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Lose Fat By Making Healthy Choices
The truth is that special programs are not necessary - and neither are special foods. In fact, when you go to the grocery story you will find the healthier choices are located around the perimeter of the store. This will include the basic food groups in most stores.
If you focus on eating right - meaning, making healthy food choices you will likely lose weight. Additionally, you should remember to eat often - a minimum of three meals per day - but 5 - 7 small meals is better. This keeps your metabolism working and you do not get hungry. Being hungry can lead to overeating as well as making unhealthy food choices.
There is no question that exercise is a healthy choice for anyone. But before beginning a new program it is important to visit your doctor. Instead of jumping on board with a strenuous routine try to slowly incorporate exercise into your life. Do things like parking at the far end of parking lots, using stairs instead of elevators, and giving up the remotes.
Believe it or not, those small things can add up. You will slowly build your stamina and vitality which will enable you to do more in the way of exercising. Soon you will find that a regular routine is invigorating instead of exhausting.
Try it - make healthy choices for at least six weeks. Not only will you lose weight but you will feel much better. Oh and here's my sales pitch - my weight management toolkit addresses all of this and much more in detail - in fact it consists of 10 ebooks and the complete package is only $11!
Check it out at: Eat Right LOSE WEIGHT Feel Great
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Top Five Lies Related To Losing Fat
Battling excess pounds is something that most people deal with at some point in their life. And there are big businesses being built on the assumption that this trend will go on forever. Unfortunately many of these businesses make claims that are simply hype or blown way out of proportion, they obviously feel justified in doing so as to them is business as usual.
Throughout my research into weight loss and weight management programs I have discovered several lies that various programs use to get our money and when we fall victim to these lies we usually have little to show for it. I will detail the top five lies as follows:
1) Supplements are a necessary part of a fat loss program
2) If you want to lose weight you will accept that being hungry at times is part of the deal
3) You can trust what you read in magazines about weight management
4) Meal replacement products will help you shed the fat
5) Diet pills or fat burners that contain ephedrine and caffeine will result in permanent fat loss
Let us begin by clarifying that exercise, nutrition and the right mental attitude are the ingredients needed for permanent fat loss. Supplements are not a requirement however they can be helpful in insuring that you are receiving the appropriate nutrients.
Many fad diets and even several of the commercial diet programs are based on very low calorie consumption. Although a person can lose weight quickly for a short period of time with such a method, ironically overtime time a diet of this type will cause your metabolism to slow down. This type of diet can also lead to a loss of muscle mass. The best way to manage your meals is to eat the right foods in small portions and eat frequently.
Do not believe everything you read, regardless of the source. First of all you should be aware that advertisements are big money-makers for magazines. You should also know that advertising agents are smart people. They know that articles are more believable than a simple ad. Now think about how many ads you see or have read that seem more like an informative article than a sales ad.
Here is a fact that the supplement companies do not want you to know; most if not all of those wonderful supplements are nothing more than a food supplement. Their primary benefit is that they are convenient. So fat-reducing shakes can be a nice treat, they are quick and easy to grab but they do not hold any magical powers.
There are numerous products on the market that are thermogenic fat burners. The good news is that they do work but the bad news is that they do not work the miracles that the ads claim. Additionally, they are not a substitute for proper nutrition. These products can be used as a way to boost the effectiveness of a well managed fat loss program.
Understanding Metabolism
Your body is constantly burning some energy for the basic functions that keep you alive. This includes things like breathing and the pumping of your heart. But of course, those things do not require a lot of energy. Physical activity such as exercise requires more.
Your body is constantly renewing and replacing cells and tissues. That also is part of metabolism. Fat cells do not need much in the way of renewal but muscle cells do. That means your body will burn more calories (energy) the more muscles you have. This process happens all the time.
Be sure to sign up for my free report on metabolism - the form is in the sidebar.
Your metabolism is based on what is normal for you and your body. If you eat regularly for a period of several days or a few weeks your metabolism rate will adjust to that. If you skip meals and eat too little on other occasions your metabolism will slow down in order to conserve energy to be used for the essential functions of life. That is why lots of diets don't work. You may lose weight initially but eventually your metabolism changes and you 'plateau' out.
That is why I always encourage a holistic approach to dieting. That coupled with calorie shifting will ensure weight loss and health. The diet, "Fat Loss 4 Idiots" uses calorie shifting to produce incredible results. You can check out my weight loss tool kit for a holistic approach to weight loss (it's only $11). The information is in the side panel of this blog.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Lose The Fat Through Metabolism Management
But fortunately I have learned about controlling my weight, or more importantly, the excess fat that I had acquired. My background is in nursing and a fringe benefit of nursing school is learning about nutrition and the digestive system. You see, what we weigh is determined by what we eat but only to a degree.
If we understand enough about our metabolic rate we can learn to work with it or even manipulate it in ways to help us lose fat and lose it very quickly. In essence, this is shifting calories, but that is not the topic of this article.
Let us begin with basics. Metabolism is what balances the energy that is in our body. Keep reading and you will understand what I mean. Metabolism begins with plants. Think back to grade school because that is where you learned about this. Plants absorb energy from sunlight and it is used along with the molecule chlorophyll to build sugars from water and carbon dioxide (photosynthesis).
When you eat plants or animals that have eaten plants you are consuming that energy (sugar form) plus other cell-building chemicals. Your body will break the sugar down so the energy released can be used as fuel by your body.
Enzymes in your digestive system break down proteins into amino acids, fats into fatty acids, and carbohydrates into less complex sugars. Amino acids, fatty acids, as well as sugars can be used as needed as energy sources by your body. These elements are absorbed into the blood and transported to the many cells of the body.
There are also other enzymes that work to regulate the chemical reactions involved. These processes create a release of energy that can be either used by the body or stored in body tissues.
So you see, metabolism is really a combination of building up body tissues and energy stores (anabolism), and of breaking down of body tissues and energy stores to generate needed fuel for body functions (catabolism). With this basic understanding we can more easily see how important it is to eat the right foods; foods that will be used for energy rather than being stored.
After learning about foods that are high in nutritional value it is much easier to determine menus that will help you to lose fat. It is important to keep in mind that your metabolism rate will adjust according to whatever is normal for you and your typical eating patterns so to keep your metabolic rate functioning at the best it can you should eat more than 3 meals per day, try 5 to 7 smaller meals. And it is a good idea to eat about the same times each day. The right foods at the right intervals will help you to lose that excess weight very quickly.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
8 Easy Tips To Making Your Life Fat-Loss Friendly
Perhaps one of the biggest reasons that most people fail at any weight loss program or plan is a lack of will power. Now do not take that wrong because I mean this in the nicest way possible. It takes a lot of will power to pass up your favorite foods and snacks.
This is especially true when they are readily available, even as close as your own kitchen. So what can you do, how can you increase your will power, or more importantly, what can be done to make your home a more friendly place for anyone looking to lose the fat.
Actually there are several things that you need to know about. Check out the list below:
1) Snack promotion is everywhere
2) Buying in bulk can lead to overeating
3) Fat-free does not mean low calorie
4) Variety is not always a good thing
5) Junk food should be avoided - always
6) Free refills are not so free when they show up as fat
7) Calories on the weekends and holidays do count
8) Restaurants with great atmospheres can lead to overeating
From the gas stations to TV commercials you will see promotions for snack foods that are not conducive to fat loss. Tip, pay at the pump and keep a low-fat alternative snack available.
Although buying in bulk can save money it can also result in us eating more. We simply see that there is plenty available and we consume more. Tip; divide the bulk goods when you get home with them. Then hide whatever is not needed right away.
Food labels can be misleading. Be sure to read the complete label, low fat foods are sometimes very high in calorie content. And when you buy a package of cookies, candy bars or other food items that offer a variety you may be doing yourself more harm than good. It is human nature to want to sample each of the varieties.
Junk food is junk food, whether it is from a vending machine or from a candy jar on a desk of a co-worker. Avoid all junk food. Many restaurants now offer free refills on drinks. Although this is a nice gesture, those free refills can add lots of calories. Tip, drink water or unsweetened tea.
Calories count even if they are consumed during a holiday or a weekend. I am all for taking a break from a routine but use caution and do not go overboard. And when you eat out consider the atmosphere of the restaurant you choose. Those with relaxing and soothing atmospheres tend to entice us to hang around longer, which means we are more likely to eat dessert. Those same restaurants also have wonderful names for their foods which make them sound even better than what they are. Use caution.
By making a few small changes to your life you will decrease the temptations and make it more likely that you will succeed in your weight loss attempts. Planning is everything!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Water; It's Influence On Health & Weight Loss
Our cells and tissues aid in protecting and supporting our vital organs by acting as a cushion. Cells that are plumped up with lots of water are very cushion-y. Additionally water helps us with digestion and cleanses our body. It helps to flush out impurities in the skin leaving a smoother glowing complexion.
As for water and weight loss. Drinking a glass of water can make you feel full. Many dieters find that a single glass of water before a meal drastically curbs the appetite. The water consumption can also aid in keeping the metabolism going.
But a common complaint is that the increased consumption of water means frequent trips to the bathroom.The truth is that this does often happen. But what is really happening is the old water supply in your cells and tissues is being flushed out and replaced with new. Storing water is a survival technique of the body.
Soon your body will acclimate itself to the continuous replenishment of water and you will no longer be running for the bathroom every hour. So the moral of this story is to drink lots of water - it's good for you!
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Impact of Fat Loss On Self Confidence
Tom is an executive at a local business. Susan is an administrative assistant. They are successful and have raised three children together. Tom and Susan have a nice home and two cars. Because Tom has an executive position he is required to dress nice for his job and he frequently has lunch and dinner appointments with clients.
Although Susan is often invited to these she usually declines saying that she has other obligations or nothing to wear. But the fact is that Susan would love to attend these and other events with Tom but she lacks the self-confidence due to her obesity. There have been times in the past that Susan attended functions with Tom and although she is more than able to keep up with the conversations she lacked the self confidence to feel comfortable enough to inject anything worthwhile.
That is until about six months ago. That is when one of the girls that work with Susan started using a program called Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Amazingly this girl was able to lose 9 pounds every eleven days. At first Susan thought it was just a fluke…after all, Susan had tried diets before, but then other people around the office tried the program and they too lost the fat. So Susan gave it a try.
You guessed it; Susan began losing the fat and getting into shape. Needless to say she gains self confidence. Today Susan attends all of the lunch and dinner appointments she can with her husband and she has a new position at her job. Turns out she probably could have moved up before but she lacked the self confidence needed to pursue a higher position.
If the lack of self confidence is holding you back from something, if it is due to the need to lose weight then solutions are available. Some of them even work very quickly.
Forgive And Continue!
Just vow to begin your diet again if you haven't already. Sometimes we begin thinking that because we over indulged once or twice that we should just give up - that is not how you will win the battle of the bulge!
Start now and plan how you will handle the next temptations that come along. Stick with you plan and you will reach your dieting goals!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Don't Over-Do Thanksgiving!
Knowing what your temptations are will help. For example, if you have a weakness for sweets you could plan to enjoy a fruit salad instead of cake or pie. You could either eat a small amount of the high calorie foods or you can eat a lot of the healthier choices. Or you could choose the middle road of the two and still be okay.
But even if you eat too much and you eat too much of the wrong foods that does not mean the end of your diet. After all, it is only one day...Right?
So try to be strong but if you weaken it is alright. Just get up Friday morning, forgive yourself, and get back on the right path to weight loss/management.
Have A Wonderful Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Easy Fat Loss Tips
The tips are all about healthy eating choices. This makes your work of 'dieting' non-existent! The first tip is to eat lots of vegetables. Try things that you haven't before, experiment with recipes. Vegetables are a low-fat and healthy choice that can help you lose weight fast.
You may not know this but even on a diet you can enjoy potatoes. That is, with the exception of french fries. Instead you can slice the potatoes into thin slices or fries, spray them with a spray such as "Pam" and pop them into the oven. They will cook faster if you put them in the microwave for a minute or two first. Season your fries and they will be delicious.
Baked potatoes are great for a diet. They tend to fill you up and as long as you do not go overboard with the toppings they are a great choice.
When you are craving sugar consider eating a sweet fruit item instead of that slice of cake or cookies.
You can learn lots more about healthy weight loss through my product the Eat Right Lose Weight Feel Great toolkit. It's only $11 and it provides a holistic way to lose weight. You will be healthier, slimmer and happier. Check It Out Now!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Using A Holistic Approach To Weight Loss
First of all a holistic approach will take into consideration every aspect of the individual. This includes the existing lifestyle, physical, emotional, and mental. That means that the individual is always the focus of the program. In other words, the program must be flexible enough that it can easily be modified to fit the needs of anyone.
A holistic approach is a healthy approach. Although a complete transition into a healthier lifestyle may take awhile, the fact that the individual is not asked to make drastic changes suddenly makes the process easier to stick to. Because of that most people find that incorporating the gradual changes is a painless process and the end result is a healthier lifestyle that results in weight control and a healthier and happier person.
Not only are the weight issues addressed but so are the causes for the weight problem. By addressing and resolving the root causes the problem can be eradicated. The individual learns about himself and how to best meet personal needs while staying healthy and fit.
A holistic approach is what I consider to be the best way to maintain weight and overall health.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Make Your Home Diet Friendly
This includes the little gas station around the corner, the restaurant where you eat lunch, the vending machines, magazine ads, commercials, and many other places. Obviously you cannot avoid all temptations. Therefore you need a plan. I'm serious, planning will help you get through those times.
But more than that you need to make your home a safe place that is free from temptations.That's right, I am talking about cleaning your home out of all things that tempt you. Do not buy anything that you know you should not eat.
I know what you are thinking - when you are working on losing weight you should still be able to indulge on occasion - that can actually boost your efforts in the long run. That is still true but if you are forced to leave your home to purchase that special treat you will have more time to think about it. You are more likely to make wiser decisions that way!
A quick tip, when you do decide to indulge - only purchase enough of that treat for a one-time serving!
I am forcing myself to go out to purchase any of those salty snacks that I love so much! Since it is cold outside and I am basically a home-body I have avoided the temptation lately.
Best of luck to you.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Things Are Better!
The good news is that at this very moment I do not have any chips in the house. Yesterday my youngest granddaughter came over and she found my chips. The really great thing is that she asked if she could take them home with her!
Now I have to admit that I felt a little sad to see them go - but on a brighter note, I felt that the universe was watching out for me.....I mean, how odd that my granddaughter would find my chips and even odder that she would want to take the bag home with her.
Anyway - today is a new beginning for me - without any chips!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
An Update On My Personal Progress
I am not sure what has happened to me. Let me explain something - most people have a weakness for sweets - I don't. Instead I love salty foods. Chips are probably my biggest weakness.
For some reason I went through a period that I did not miss the salt. But over the past week I have indulged in eating my favorite food again - chips. I know, I know, this can have a negative spiraling effect. So today I will again take all chips off of my menu.
I have gained two pounds in the past week. I realize that is not a lot but I also know that if I ignore it I will be sorry.
What's your weakness? Am I the only one that loves salt?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Don't Diet - Instead, Learn To Make Your Metabolism Work For You
That is why I constantly encourage people to learn about their metabolism. First you need a general working knowledge of what metabolism is and how it factors in with your weight gains and losses. After you understand how that works you can determine more specific facts about you personally.
And as we all know, knowledge is power. With that knowledge you can begin working with and even manipulating your own metabolism rate. That is your key to easy weight management!
Plus, after you learn about this stuff you can use it forever - you will not need to use expensive diet programs or pills. This method can easily be incorporated into your lifestyle - it is a healthy way of eating and living. The result will be a slimmer, healthier and happier you.
Be sure to get your free report on metabolism. Use the form in the sidebar.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Find A Weight Management Program That Works For You..
My suggestion is that before you begin any program you learn all you can about it. Find out exactly what will be required of you. If it sounds like it will require extreme changes or modifications in your current lifestyle then you need to dig a little deeper. Find out if those changes are required immediately or if they are gradually incorporated into your routines.
Never commit to a program that is too limiting or restrictive on your food choices or the amount of food you can eat. The point is that if you carefully select a program your chances of success are greatly increased. Otherwise you may be setting yourself up to fail.
Each time you fail at a diet you damage your ego and make it even more difficult to try again.
I always suggest that you follow programs that put the focus on you and not the program itself. Please check out the programs that I recommend on this site - one is my own weight loss toolkit and it is only $11! This is a holistic approach to weight management - which means that all aspects of you as a person are considered. For $11 you really cannot go wrong!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Weight Loss - Metabolism is Key!
Metabolism is the way your body uses the calories you consume. It really is possible to speed up your metabolism by the way you eat. In essence you need to eat the right foods in the right amounts at the right intervals.
This will not only result in weight loss, but you will feel better also! Additionally you can use a holistic approach to lose weight and you will find that your entire lifestyle becomes healthier. The end result will be a slimmer, healthier and happier you!
The best part is that this is something that you will benefit from forever! Get started to a new you today!
Best of luck - Talk Soon!
Debbie C. Allen
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Weight Loss Progress!
I just wanted to share with you that my friend Shauna called last night to tell me about her weight loss progress. You see, yesterday, November 5, 2008, marked 30 days on her new plan. Shauna excitedly reported that she has lost a total of 13 pounds!
Okay, for some of you that may not sound like a lot - but the wonderful thing about the program Shauna is using is that it is inexpensive to start with and she says she is never hungry.
Just in case you are wondering which program she is using I am proud to say that it is my own weight loss toolkit. You can get more information about it by clicking here.
But the real purpose of this posting is to encourage you. This should be proof positive that you really can lose weight and it does not have to be difficult. The trick is finding a plan that works for you. In order to do that you will need to find out about the program before starting it. Determine if you can easily incorporate it into your existing lifestyle.
Of course you will have to be willing to make some positive changes in your life but that should never include leaving you hungry or forcing extreme changes suddenly. When a program fits you the pounds will come off!!!
The programs promoted on this site are proven to be effective but you still have to choose the right one for you. Learn all you can about the programs and then choose. Some work well together and others do not. Knowledge is power - as always!
Take Care & Lose That Weight! You Can Do It!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Fat Loss For Idiots
Initially I thought this plan had to be a scam - I mean it claims that you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days. Well unbelievably the plan works!
Click on the link below to learn more. BTW, this plan works well in combination with the holistic approach to weight loss so if you are already using that system I suggest you add this plan - you will lose weight very quickly and you will feel great!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Finding A Weight Loss Plan That Really Works
I had tried some of the well-known weight loss programs, you know the ones, they are very expensive and can even afford to pay for commercials on TV. Although I am sure those plans work for some they did not work for me. After a week or so of the required food I was tired of it. I feel sure that the celebrities promoting those programs receive lots of additional help and advice that the rest of us do not.
In years gone by I also tried various fad diets and pills. With the fad diets I was starving after a couple of days and the pills left me feeling miserable. Headaches have always been a problem for me and using the supplements just increased them. But that was not the end of the side-effects; I also suffered with stomach cramps, fatigue, and a nervousness that caused me to be very irritable.
You may be wondering what this weight loss plan is that actually worked. First of all it is not a diet at all. That's a good thing! I am never hungry. I have learned about the impact of our metabolism rate on our weight. I know that sounds simplistic but it really is possible to manipulate your metabolic rate.
Additionally, I wanted to lose weight and be healthy. I found that my nursing background came in handy with that issue. In reality a weight problem affects you physically, emotionally and mentally. Therefore, if you are going to lose weight you need to focus on you as a complete person, not a diet plan or a single aspect of you.
Stress can play a major role in our weight. It is important that we address our emotional status when we are attempting to manage our weight. The good news is that there are ways to alleviate or decrease the stress in your life without the use of medications.
When you are developing a plan to solve a problem you go back to the basics of; what, when, where, why, etc. That is done before you move forward. This provides you the opportunity to see where the real problem is and to resolve it at its root. You can then develop realistic goals and decide on detailed steps that will help you reach those goals.
The problem with most weight programs is that they do not address any of those issues. Instead the focus is on losing weight by following the diet or program. This means that the 'person' is being ignored. And eventually there will come a time that the diet or program will need to end. Then the person ends up right back where he started, or even worse.
I have found that by using a weight management plan that is holistic in nature I am able to lose and control my weight plus I am living a healthier lifestyle. I look better and I feel great! This approach is easy to use because you simply make small changes to your life as time goes by. This is a sure way to lose weight and keep it off. The end result is a healthier, slimmer and trimmer person that is less stressed and more satisfied. You really can't ask for more than that!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Top 5 Lies Related To Losing Fat
Battling excess pounds is something that most people deal with at some point in their life. And there are big businesses being built on the assumption that this trend will go on forever. Unfortunately many of these businesses make claims that are simply hype or blown way out of proportion, they obviously feel justified in doing so as to them is business as usual.
Throughout my research into weight loss and weight management programs I have discovered several lies that various programs use to get our money and when we fall victim to these lies we usually have little to show for it. I will detail the top five lies as follows:
1) Supplements are a necessary part of a fat loss program
2) If you want to lose weight you will accept that being hungry at times is part of the deal
3) You can trust what you read in magazines about weight management
4) Meal replacement products will help you shed the fat
5) Diet pills or fat burners that contain ephedrine and caffeine will result in permanent fat loss
Let us begin by clarifying that exercise, nutrition and the right mental attitude are the ingredients needed for permanent fat loss. Supplements are not a requirement however they can be helpful in insuring that you are receiving the appropriate nutrients.
Many fad diets and even several of the commercial diet programs are based on very low calorie consumption. Although a person can lose weight quickly for a short period of time with such a method, ironically overtime time a diet of this type will cause your metabolism to slow down. This type of diet can also lead to a loss of muscle mass. The best way to manage your meals is to eat the right foods in small portions and eat frequently.
For an incredible Weight Management ToolKit visit:
Eat Right, Lose Weight, Feel Great
You can get all 10 ebooks for the low cost of $11
Do not believe everything you read, regardless of the source. First of all you should be aware that advertisements are big money-makers for magazines. You should also know that advertising agents are smart people. They know that articles are more believable than a simple ad. Now think about how many ads you see or have read that seem more like an informative article than a sales ad.
Here is a fact that the supplement companies do not want you to know; most if not all of those wonderful supplements are nothing more than a food supplement. Their primary benefit is that they are convenient. So fat-reducing shakes can be a nice treat, they are quick and easy to grab but they do not hold any magical powers.
There are numerous products on the market that are thermogenic fat burners. The good news is that they do work but the bad news is that they do not work the miracles that the ads claim. Additionally, they are not a substitute for proper nutrition. These products can be used as a way to boost the effectiveness of a well managed fat loss program.
For an incredible Weight Management ToolKit visit:
Eat Right, Lose Weight, Feel Great
You can get all 10 ebooks for the low cost of $11
Monday, August 25, 2008
Metabolism Is Key To Weight Management
If you are interested in a free report on Metabolism complete the form below. You will receive a confirmation email and then an email with the download.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Easy Weight Loss: Great Benefits
1) Lose 9 lbs every 11 days
2) Get slim by eating
3) No starving
4) No exercising
5) 60 day guarantee
This program is so simple it is called Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Now do not take offense at that title. It is simply meant to let people know that the system is easy to follow.
The first thing you will need to do with this program is forget about dieting. How awesome is that…you will be losing weight by eating! Few weight loss programs can make that claim.
That is probably the major benefit of the program. Additionally, you will be learning that eating the right foods, which means keeping watch on the calories and eating your meals at the correct intervals will be the key to your weight loss success.
This is a basic course in metabolism. When you master this you will be able to control your weight for the rest of your life. That is right; you will never have to worry about dieting again because the real key to getting slim is to eat the right foods at the right intervals.
You will learn the importance of shifting your diet menu every few days. This is important because your metabolism will adjust to whatever is normal for your body. So if you deprive yourself for a strict diet you may initially lose some weight but your metabolism will adjust and you will plateau out. That simply means that your metabolic rate is doing exactly what it is designed to do.
That is why diets do not work. You have to learn to work with your metabolism. You will learn how to make it work for you, how to speed it up. This system shows you how you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days. You can repeat this method over and over.
You will never be hungry and you are not asked to start a jogging routine! The simple truth is your weight is determined by the foods you eat and when you eat them.
This program even provides a 60 day guarantee. So if you have used the system wisely you should have lost a tremendous amount of weight long before that. In fact, most people find that in the first month they lose the weight they want to.
The program is going to provide you with the information you need so that you can lose that unwanted weight and gain back the confidence that you are missing. After you learn about calorie shifting and how to control your metabolism you are going to wonder why it took you so long to find this program. This system, Fat Loss 4 Idiots, seems to have the right name; it is a no-brainer! It simply works!
Quick Fat Loss
Obesity is a widespread problem; it is not limited to one nation or even one age group. And over the years we have learned that dieting is not the answer to this epidemic. So you might be wondering what the solution is, and I will do my best to explain it and to give you some simple tips on what you can do to effectively lose fat quickly.
To begin, let us talk about the way your body uses food. Your body is designed to use the beneficial calories in ways that will enhance the functioning of the organs and bodily systems. Empty calories become stored…you guessed it, as fat.
So what we need to do is learn to eat the right foods at the right intervals and all will be right with our weight. I know I am over-simplifying here but it really is true. I am essentially referring to you learning to work with or in some cases learning to manipulate your metabolism so that it will function in a way that provides the best advantages for you.
The way to do this is simple really. You will need to learn a little bit about what foods are high in nutritional value and also learn something about how the metabolism of your body works.
Below you will find 10 tips for increasing your metabolism:
1) Incorporate physical activity into your daily lifestyle
2) Eat breakfast
3) Avoid sugar
4) Eat spicy foods
5) Get plenty of sleep
6) Drink lots of water
7) Eat smaller meals
8) Never skip meals
9) Avoid stress
10) Eat foods with high nutritional values
The reason I did not say to add a regular exercise routine into your busy schedule is because that alone can be a deal-breaker for some people. After all, we are busy enough as it is, who has the time to add the time involved to going to the gym. But there are simple things that anyone can do daily to increase our activity level and thus increase our metabolism rate; such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, taking the dog for a walk, or parking at the backend of the parking lot.
Skipping breakfast is a major mistake made by many people. Overnight your metabolism rate slows down in order to spread out the calories your body has available. This slowing down will continue until you feed your body, which will boost your metabolic rate.
Sugar enables the body to store fat so it should be avoided as much as possible. On the other extreme, some spicy foods can actually speed up your metabolism. Sleep is needed to rejuvenate your body, providing you with the energy needed to help keep you feeling fresh and energetic during the day. Water helps to flush out toxins from the body.
I am sure that by now you are starting to see how all of these things work together to establish your metabolic rate. The actual foods that you eat do make a huge difference as well as the intervals of your meals. You should eat small meals but eat them often. Plan your meals ahead of time because that can help to prevent the last minute grabbing for a quick high calorie fix. And do not skip meals because just as with your nighttime rest, your body will adjust the metabolism to spread out the calories as much as possible.
Stress can contribute to eating the wrong foods at the wrong times as well as triggering the release of a steroid called cortisol, which decreases metabolism. Do what you can to avoid negativity in your life.
Knowledge is power and after you learn about metabolism you will have the power to control and manipulate it. Metabolism is the key to fat loss. Forget diets and do not worry about joining a gym or jogging around your neighborhood, just learn about metabolism!